Happening Saturday, June 4th, 2011!
Don’t miss the most fun fishing event this spring, get your kids registered for the annual Kids Fishing Day at the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery in Leavenworth. It’s all happening on Saturday, June 4th. Families with kids age 5 to 12 are invited enjoy an action-packed session that includes fish identification, water safety, knot tying and includes getting to catch two fish, and it’s free!
Fishing Gear and instruction will be provided!
Rods, reels and bait will be provided and the fish will even be cleaned, iced and bagged for the trip home. Volunteers from Wenatchee Sportsmen’s Association, the Icicle Valley Trout Unlimited and the Central Washington Bass Club will be on hand to help your kids through the process. The staff from the National Fish Hatchery will have the grounds set up for a perfect day of fishing at the hatchery raceway.
It’s free! Registration is closed. You are welcome to come as a drop-in after 11:00am.
This is the sixth year that the hatchery has hosted the event and it has been enjoyed by hundreds of kids. To register, look at the Kids Fishing Day events listing on the Home page, and choose the fishing session you want to attend. You will receive an e-mail confirmation in your inbox.
Fishing fun is waiting for you on Saturday, June 4th, but you must register to attend. Hope to see you there!