The Friends of Northwest Hatcheries has become an official sponsor of the Salmon In Schools program organized by Sound Salmon Solutions in Mukilteo, WA in partnership with the Willow Creek Fish Hatchery. The program will be similar to the Salmon in the Classroom programs that are organized in the Wenatchee Valley by Cascade Fisheries and supported by the Yakama Nation Fisheries and Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery. These programs offer teachers and students an opportunity to watch salmon develop from eggs to fry to fish before they aide in their release into a local waterway. Due to Covid-19 restrictions and closures during the 2020/2021 school year, these programs have gone virtual including livestreams of fish tanks so that teachers and students can still witness fish development and use these videos as learning tools. The live streams will run from Jan 10 – March 11, 2021 after which the fish will be transferred to ponds at the hatchery to grow larger and develop further. Additional videos that will serve as virtual field trips will highlight the stages of development. Check out the new website for the 2021 program including the virtual fieldtrip video at
Watch Coho Salmon LIVE below between Jan – March 2021 in their tank in Mukilteo, WA. Or, watch it on the Sound Salmon Solutions YouTube Channel:
Below is the Live Feed from a tank in Wenatchee, WA supported by Cascade Fisheries. Video will be available between Jan – March 2021.
Thanks to Sound Salmon Solutions and Cascade Fisheries for organizing these programs!